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Gros I., Grosová S. Tajemství moderního nákupu. Praha, Vydavatelství VŠCHT 2006. ISBN 80-7080-598-6.
Gros I. Matematické modely pro manažerské rozhodování. Praha, Vydavatelství VŠCHT, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7080-709-5.
Gros I., Grosová S. Dodavatelské systémy. Přerov, Vysoká škola logistiky, 2012. ISBN 97887179-20-8.
Gros I. a kol. Velká kniha logistiky. Praha, Vydavatelství VŠCHT 2016. ISBN 978-80-7080-952-5.
Dyntar J., Grosová S., Gros I. Food products distribution systems redesign in the food corporation acquision and fusion conditions, Czech Journal of the Food Science, Czech Journal of Food Science, Vol.27, 2009, No.4:223-227 Prague 2009.
Dyntar, J., Souček, I., Gros, I. Application of Discrete Event Simulation in LPG Storage Operation and Optimization, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 3, No. 1, 2012, p. 33-42, ISSN 1694-0814.
Grosová S., Gros I., Císařová M. B2B Segmentation as a Tool for Marketing and Logistic Strategy Formulation, Gediminas Technical University, Intellectual Economics, No 1(9), p.54-63, ISSN 1822-8011.
Gros I., Grosová S. “Decoupling Point and Bottleneck Theory Implementation in the Supply Chain Management“,Transport and Logistics, Kosice 2005, ISSN -1451-107X.
Grosová S., Gros I. “ Shipping and Handling Package Influence on the Effective Materials Flow Management in the Supply Chains Enviroment“,Transport and Logistics, Kosice 2005, ISSN -1451-107X.
Gros I., Dyntar J., Grosová S. „Stock management of products with intermittent demand, VUSI Kosice str.64-69, 2/2006, ISSN 1336-4103.
Gros I., Grosová S. “ Marketing and Logistics in Supply Chains“, Economics and Business Management, VUSI Kosice str.13-18, 2/2005, ISSN 1336-4103.
Grosová S., Gros I. „Demand chain – new term or the new approach in customers needs meeting?“ Research papers, Volume 3, Number 2, page ISSN 1336-815X, Bratislava 2007.
Gros I., Grosová S., Vágner K. System Approach and Supply Chain Management, Logistic News, Praha 2008.