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Professional focus:
business logistics
automatic logistics systems
PLUUS, reg. no. CZ.04.1.03 / / 0138, member of the research team
INTERREG IIIA, reg. no. CZ.04.58 / 2.3.PL.1 / 0575, member of the research team
EKONOM - new forms of teaching economic subjects, reg. no. CZ.1.07 / 1.1.00 / 14.0170, member of the research team
APSYS - Applicable system of further education in R&D, reg. no. CZ.1.07 / 2.3.00 / 09.0134, member of the research team
Innovation of outputs, content and methods of bachelor's programs of non-university type universities, reg. no. CZ.1.07 / 2.2.00 / 28.0115, member of the research team
POKROK - professional development of pedagogical staff of schools in the Olomouc Region, reg. no. CZ.1.07 / 1.3.45 / 02.0059, member of the research team
Education and professional growth:
2005: Silesian University in Opava, Faculty of Business Administration in Karviná
2008-present: VŠLG o.p.s. Department of Economic, Legal and Social Disciplines, Department of Bachelor's Degree Studies
NERADILOVÁ, H., LASKOVSKÝ, V.: The use of ecological systems for transporting of raw materials in the Czech Republic. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, ISBN 978-619-7105-56-8/ISSN 1314-2704, Book1 Vol. 2, 943-950 pp (SCOPUS, WoS)
NERADILOVÁ, H., LASKOVSKÝ, V.: The usage of tecnomatix plant simulation for simulation of mining rail transport. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, ISBN 978-619-7105-56-8/ISSN 1314-2704, Book1 Vol. 2, 929-934 pp (SCOPUS, WoS)
NERADILOVÁ, H., FEDORKO, G. The Use of Computer Simulation Methods to Reach Data for Economic Analysis of Automated Logistics Systems. Open Engineering 2016, vol. 6, ISSN 2391-5439 (SCOPUS, WoS)
NERADILOVÁ, H., FEDORKO, G., BORŠOŠOVÁ, V. Modelling of intra plant transportation system using AGV. In: ICTTE: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, 2016, pp 971 – 979. ISBN 978-86-916153-3-8. (WoS)
FEDORKO, G., NERADILOVÁ, H., SUTAK, M., MOLNÁR, V. Application of Simulation Model in Terms of City Logistics. In: 20th International Conference Transport Means 2016. ISSN 1822-296 X (print), ISSN 2351-7034 (on-line), pp 169-174 (SCOPUS)
NERADILOVÁ, H., FEDORKO, G. Digital Factory – Efficient Tool for Increasing Logistic Efficiency of Companies: Digitální podnik – Efektivní nástroj pro zvyšování logistické výkonnosti podniků. Acta Logistica Moravica: Internetový časopis, Přerov 2015, 2015(1), 36-43. ISSN 1804-8315.