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Professional focus:
Management and marketing in transport
Environmental management and marketing
Management in healthcare
Education and professional growth:
1978: grammar school Zlín - Lesní čtvrť - graduation
1983: Faculty of Technology, Brno University of Technology - Ing.
1993: Faculty of Business Administration, Brno University of Technology - CSc. (candidate of sciences)
1998: Faculty of Economics VŠB - TU Ostrava - doc. (Associate Professor)
1983 -1986: Barumprojekt Zlín (then Gottwaldov) - economist in the return on investment department
1986 -1995: Faculty of Technology, Brno University of Technology - assistant professor
1995 -1998: Faculty of Management and Economics, Brno University of Technology - assistant professor
1998 - 2000: Faculty of Management and Economics, Brno University of Technology - Associate Professor
2001 - present: Faculty of Management and Economics, TBU in Zlín - Associate Professor
2014 - present: VŠLG o.p.s., Department of Bachelor's Studies
Kubík, J.: Marketingové a ekonomické souvislosti investic do likvidace odpadů. Habilitační práce Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava, 1997, s. 1 – 123.
Kubík, J., Chovancová, M.: Posilování konkurenceschopnosti městské hromadné dopravy v porovnání s individuální automobilovou dopravou. Sborník z międzynarodowe konferencje naukowe: Przedsięborstwa w obliczu procesów globalizacji i integracji. Górnośląźska szkola Handlowa, Katowice, Rzeczpospolita Polska, 2003, s. 108 –115. ISBN 83-88402-39-0
Benda, I., Kubík, J.: Suggested Conception of the Strategic Management Process in Greiner, plastové obaly (Plastic Packaging), s.r.o. with a View to Its Competitive Priorities. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe, Vienna, Austria, 2003, s. 105 – 112.
Kubík, J.: AB Solar Development Activities in the Construction of Photovoltaic Power Plants. Sborník na CD Proceedings of the 17th International Business Information Management Association. IBIMA, Milan 2011, s 325 – 332. ISBN 978-0-9821489-6-9
Kubík, J.: The Role of Strategic Management and its Use in the BPC. Sborník na CD Proceedings of the 18th International Business Information Management Association. IBIMA, Istanbul 2012, s. 2734 – 2741. ISBN 978-0-9821489-7-6
Kubík, J.: Trends in Environmental Management. Sborník na CD Proceedings of the 19th International Business Information Management Association. IBIMA, Barcelona 2012, s. 1535 – 1540. ISBN 978-0-9821489-8-3
Kubík, J.: Analýza konkurenčního prostředí jako nástroj strategického managementu. Trendy ekonomiky a managementu, ročník 8, č. 19, FP VUT Brno, 2014, s. 27 – 33. ISSN 1802-8527
Vránová, Š., Kubík, J.: Motivace učitelů – vysokoškolsky vzdělaných zaměstnanců v neřídících pozicích. 1. vyd. Žilina, GEORG, 2014, 1 – 131 s. ISBN 978-80-8154-099-8
Smékalová, L., Hájek, O., Kubík, J., Škarka, M.: Management of European Projects by Czech and Slovak Enterpreneurs in Bíle – Biele Karpaty Euroregion. Economics and Sociology, Vol. 9, No 1, 2016, s. 69 – 85. ISSN 2071-789X
Kubík, J.: Zlin Public Transport in Comparison with Cities of a simile Size in Czech Republic. Actual Problems of Economics, Vol. 17, No 10, 2016, s. 218 – 227. ISSN 1993-6788