Deepen your knowledge of logistics, transport and warehousing and move on to a successful career.
Logistics and transport management
Gain knowledge of logistics and its impact on transport processes in the economy.
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Logistics and production management
Gain new knowledge about production logistics and automation of logistics processes and be prepared for the advent of Industry 4.0.
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Logistics and service management
Gain an overview of private and public sector services, in public administration, self-administration and in business entities offering services.
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The school of the future
VŠLG has long specialized in teaching logistics and all related fields. It may seem like a relatively narrow specialization, but according to a study by Deloitte, trade, transport and warehousing are the second largest component of the world's GDP, and in today's globalized world, they have a rapidly growing tendency. For this reason, the demand for specialists in the field of logistics and transport is increasing every year. Thanks to this, VŠLG students can count on the fact that after graduating they will be able to choose from lucrative offers from leading employers in the field.
The teaching is conducted in the Czech language.
More information can be found
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