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Professional focus:
crisis management in general and its application in the management, organization and security of transport systems in non-standard conditions
critical infrastructure in general and critical transport infrastructure in particular
crisis transport security
logistical support for crisis management
Visegrad University Studies Grants - EaP. Safety management in the Visegrad Group countries
ITMS 26110230079: Innovation and internationalization of education - tools to increase the quality of the University of Žilina in Žilina
Nr.21310075: The National Qualifications Franmework NQF in V4 Countries
APVV-0471-10 Protection of critical infrastructure in the transport sector
Education and professional growth
1973: Military Transport, Military Faculty of the University of Transport in Žilina
1980: postgraduate course of university pedagogy, Charles University in Bratislava
1983: Candidate of Technical Sciences (CSc.), Branch Military Transport, Military Faculty of the University of Transport and Communications in Žilina
1987: appointment as associate professor (doc.), Branch Operational and combat use of types of troops, rear and technical security, Military Faculty of the University of Transport and Communications in Žilina
1995: habilitation as an associate professor (doc.), Additional habilitation, Department of Military Transport, Military Faculty of the University of Transport and Communications in Žilina
2001: appointment as a professor (prof.), Field of study Military Transport and Military Constructions, Faculty of Special Engineering, University of Žilina
1973-1975: commander of the school unit, Military Unit Olomouc
1975-2015: university pedagogue in the positions of teacher, senior teacher, group leader, head of department, vice-dean for educational activities, Faculty of Military (later Faculty of Special Engineering, Faculty of Safety Engineering) in Žilina
2007: university pedagogue, Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defense in Brno
2008-present: university pedagogue, Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu, Poland
2013-2014: specialist, CTU Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering Kladno
2016-present: VŠLG o.p.s. Department of Logistics and Technical Disciplines, Department of Bachelor Studies
TOMEK, M., SEIDL, M., 2016: Motorway patrol on Slovak motorways and expressways. In: Perner´s contact, elektronický odborný časopis o technologii, technice a logistice v dopravě. Pardubice, KTŘD DF JP UP, Number 4, Volume XI, 2016, p. 121-127, ISSN 1801-674X
SEIDL, M., TOMEK, M., 2016: Dopravné zabezpečenie evakuácie prostriedkami cestnej dopravy. In: The science for population protection, Lazne Bohdanec, Population Protection Institute, 2016, Vol. 8, Nr. 2, p. 1-16, ISSN 1803-568X
SEIDL, M., TOMEK, M., 2016: Transportation of Radioactive Materials by Road Transport in Conditions of the Slovak Republic. In: Proceedingsof the 20th International Conference „Transport Means 2016“. Kaunas, University of Technologie, 2016, p. 88-93, ISSN 1822-296X (print) ISSN 2351-7034 (online), SCOPUS
SEIDL, M., TOMEK, M., 2015: Traffic Accidents Rate in the Slovak Republic. In: Proceedingsof the 19thInternational Conference „Transport Means 2015“. Kaunas, University of Technologie, 2015, p. 257-260, ISSN 1822-296X (print) ISSN 2351-7034 (online), SCOPUS, WoS
FOJTÍKOVÁ, J., SEIDL, M., 2015: Qualitative Risk Assessment of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air. In: Proceedingsof the 19th International Conference „Transport Means 2015“. Kaunas, University of Technologie, 2015, p. 611-614, ISSN 1822-296X (print) ISSN 2351-7034 (online), SCOPUS, WOs
SEIDL, M., TOMEK, M., VIČAR, D., 2014: Evakuácia osôb, zvierat a vecí (vysokoškolská učebnice). Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2014, 262 s., ISBN 978-80-554-0939-9
FIGULI, L., SEIDL, M., TOMEK, M., 2014: Security and Risk of Material Evacuation Using Mechanisation. In: Proceedingsof the 18th International Conference „Transport Means 2014“. Kaunas, University of Technologie, 2014, p. 261-264, ISSN 2351-4604, SCOPUS
ŠIMÁK, L., DVOŘÁK, Z., GAŠPIERIK, L., KAMPOVÁ, K., REITŠPÍS, J., SEIDL, M. a SVETLÍK, J., 2012: Ochrana kritickej infraštruktúry v sektore dopravy (odborná monografie). Žilina, EDIS, 2012, 180 s., ISBN 978-80-554-0625-1
SEIDL, M., ŠIMÁK, L., ZAMIAR, Z., 2011: Bezpieczeństwo w transporcie (podręcznik). Wroclaw, MWSLiT, Consulting i logistika Spółka z o.o., 2011, 260 s., ISBN 978-83-89908-14-8
SEIDL, M., ŠIMÁK, L., ZAMIAR, Z., 2009: Aktualne zagadnienia zarządzania kryzysowego (monografia naukowa). Wroclaw, MWSLiT, Consulting i logistika Spółka z o.o., 197 s., ISBN 978-83-89908-95-7