Dr. Dočkalíková took part in the conference entitled Waste management of cities and municipalities in practice – November 9 and 10, 2023.

Cílem konference bylo sdílení dobré praxe, zajímavých projektů a nových technologií. 
Nová legislativa a pravidla cirkulární ekonomiky nasměrovala sektor komunálních odpadů zcela novým směrem. Cesty, jak dosáhnout stanovených cílů mohou být různé, tak jako jsou různá výchozí postavení měst a obcí. 

Program byl zaměřen na níže uvedená témata:  

  • Current challenges in waste management in the Czech Republic
  • Backup yes or no? – discussion
  • How to manage municipal waste sustainably? Principles of circular economy in practice.
  • Waste by source? Waste recovery, circular economy. Prevention of waste generation
  • What is the role of collection yards and how can they help in achieving sorting goals?
  • Records of used items – a solution for REUSE centers
  • Introduction of records in the collection yard – experience from practice
  • Bio-waste in waste systems of cities
  • The potential of municipal kitchen waste here and in Europe? How can the introduction of kitchen waste collection help municipalities in meeting the weight limits on SKO.
  • What does the introduction of kitchen waste collection mean in practice. Real experiences of a city that is currently preparing for the introduction of kitchen waste collection
  • Waste disposal solutions about waste
  • Record waste systems
  • Olomouc Region Waste Project
  • Case studies – implementation of projects to optimize waste management in cities.