Why study for an MBA?

The professional MBA study program Logistics is a lifelong education program implemented at the University of Logistics o.p.s. By introducing it, the university fulfills the requirement of the Act on Universities and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts in the Specific Field of Lifelong Education (Act No. 111/1998 Coll., Part One, Basic Provisions, §1, Introductory Provisions, Part c)). The professional program is a continuation of the bachelor and master's study program in Logistics of the same name accredited by the National Accreditation Office.

By combining academic and professional education, the highest level required by business - managerial practice after lifelong education is achieved.

The course is suitable for everyone who wants to advance in their career and achieve professional growth. The study will help develop managerial skills and knowledge needed for leadership and innovation in various professional areas (transport and business logistics, human resource management logistics).

College of Logistics o.p.s. is a member of CAMBAS (Czech Association of MBA Schools). CAMBAS members respect and promote common values, the goal of which is a high and comparable quality of MBA education. The CAMBAS association is a member of the EQUAL international association, which brings together important accreditation agencies operating in the field of management study programs. EQUAL members are, for example, AACSB, AMBA, EFMD, FIBAA or GMAC.

Content of the study

Semester Name of the subject
Fall Legislation, leadership and personnel management
Fall Personal development management - effective self-management of the manager
Fall Advanced methods in project management
Semester Name of the subject
Modern technologies in logistics
Advanced methods of systems engineering
Management and optimization of logistics processes
Strategic and security management
Semester Name of the subject
Final MBA thesis

18 months

The duration of the study is 18 months

Once a month

Classes take place once a month

Elite teachers

You will be taught by top teachers from VŠLG and external guests

Career advancement

With an MBA degree, you get better employment opportunities

Three cities

It is possible to study in Prague, Bratislava and Přerov.

New contacts

Your classmates will be influential managers

School partners

Important information

  • Conditions for admission: +

    • Evidence of a master's degree, preferably in a technical or economic field with at least 2 years' experience. • Providing a motivation letter, stating further professional education, resp. what the candidate expects from studying for an MBA. • Structured professional CV. • Successful completion of the admission procedure, which will assess the prerequisites of the applicant for study, e.g. in the form of a short interview with the applicant before min. a three-member commission; or by assessing the documents sent / submitted.
  • Tuition fee +

    Tuition for the entire study is CZK 80,000. It is payable in three installments or according to a contractually agreed individual installment calendar. VŠLG is not a VAT payer.
  • Structure of subjects +

    The subjects are based mainly on case studies, on solving specific problems, on applications of technologies and selected procedures so that the newly acquired knowledge can be used and transferred to practice. Subjects of study are not repetition of Bc / Mgr. studies, but they are the content of a new program of lifelong, qualification education, specifically focused on the needs and perspectives of professionals in management positions in the field of logistics. The aim of the program is to develop their knowledge and skills.
  • Lecturer profiles +

    prof. Mgr. Roman Jašek, Ph.D., DBA Professor of Systems Engineering, Professor of Technical Sciences (Poland), Director of the Institute of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence of TBU in Zlín, professional guarantor of the MBA / DBA study program. It guarantees and manages the activities of the penetration test laboratory and the verification center for industrial and logistics transactions based on Blockchain technology. He has led and implemented a number of large-scale engineering and applied research projects. In the areas of information logistics, he led specific projects for the force units prof. Ing. Václav Cempírek, Ph.D., DBA Rector of the University of Logistics, solver of a number of engineering projects and applied research projects connected with TAČR-type traffic management technologies. He also serves as the president of the Czech Logistics Association doc. Ing. Ivan Hlavoň, CSc., DBA Director of the Institute, Rector Emeritus of the University of Logistics o.p.s. In the position of general director of large organizations, he led and implemented projects related to the design and construction of transport structures. In the field of applied research, he deals with the design and solution of strategic logistics problems. Implemented transport structures and solutions for transport systems in the territory of e.g. Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc., doc. Ing. Bronislav Chramcov, Ph.D., DBA Vice-Dean and Statutory Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Applied Informatics, TBU in Zlín. He has led dozens of research and industrial engineering projects related to modeling and optimization of production logistics processes. He has lectured on optimization and modeling in a number of EU countries. doc. Ing. Roman Šenkeřík, Ph.D., DBA Head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Faculty of Applied Informatics, TBU in Zlín, solver of a number of engineering projects and applied research projects of the GAČR / TAČR type connected with artificial intelligence applications, data analysis and cryptography. He has lectured in a number of countries in Europe, Asia and America. doc. Dr. Ing. Oldřich Kodym, MBA The solver of a number of engineering projects and applied research projects associated with the control of machines and processes, deals with virtual reality and automatic identification technologies associated with Industry 4.0. He successfully solved large projects such as TAČR. Ing. Pavel Vařacha, Ph.D., DBA Specialist at the Institute of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, FAI, TBU, solver of a number of important engineering projects and applied research projects of the TACR type. The outputs of his work are connected with the field of intelligent modeling, simulation and optimization of logistics processes. Collaborates on the development of intelligent robotic systems with advanced communication logistics. He works closely with research institutes in El Paso (Texas, USA) and the University of Tokyo (Japan). Ing. Libor Kavka, Ph.D. Investigator of engineering projects and applied research projects of the GAČR type. The outputs of his work are connected with the field of intelligent modeling, simulation and optimization of logistics processes in the field of energy networks.
  • Guests lecturers +

    prof. Ing. Said Krayem, CSc. Professor of Electrical Engineering, solver of large technical and technological projects associated with the implementation of intelligent control systems (Smart Cities), including transport. In his research area, he dealt with "Fault Tolerant Systems" and their mathematical interpretation (B-Method). For many years he worked at the Research Institute of Mathematical Machines of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Petr Eliáš, DBA, CEO Chairman of the Board of Directors of INSPECTUM as, investor in progressive technology companies (iTECH21, DC PORT), but also design offices for logistics and warehouses STEMIO, invited by lecturers at professional meetings, expert passing on his experience to university students, entrepreneur fulfilling Baťa management principles he chose his own life path with his own interest and great diligence. In his practice, he has successfully implemented dozens of projects with advanced logistics in several countries around the world. He is an active supporter of a number of socially and socially important educational and personality development projects (eg projects aimed at helping Czech / Slovak children, support for beginning entrepreneurs). prof. Ing. Jiří Dvořák, DrSc. professor of technical cybernetics, solver of large technical and technological projects associated with the implementation of automated control systems. In the research area, he dealt with cybernetic systems and developed areas related to the theory of regulation and control. doc. Ing. Jaroslava Kubátová, Ph.D. works in a managerial position at the Department of Applied Economics, Palacky University in Olomouc. She is a successful solver of applied research projects (eg TAČR) focused on connecting human capital and technologies in the current work environment. He has deep experience from teaching and internships in Europe, Asia and the USA. doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D. Director of the Institute of Logistics and Transport Management, Faculty of Transport, CTU Prague, Chairman of the Doctoral Study Board of Logistics at CTU, solver of a number of engineering projects and applied research projects. He has deep experience from teaching and internships in the EU and the USA. Ing. Jan Dienstbier Director of GORDIC's sales division, ICT consultant PricewaterhouseCoopers, many years of experience in leading management teams and managing large companies (02 Telefonica, PVT, XEROX, SyBase, etc.). Ing. Robert Bucki, Ph.D. solver of engineering projects and applied research projects related to the field of intelligent modeling, simulation and optimization of logistics processes in services and manufacturing companies in Poland. Ing. Vít Štěpánek, CTO Director of the Information and Communication Technologies Division (NWT a.s.). He has held a number of important positions related to strategic decision-making, e.g. Ministerial Council and Member of the eHealth Council - Head of the Telemedicine Section (MZČR, Director of the Information Technology Department (Czechinvest) In his practice, he successfully implemented dozens of projects with advanced information logistics in several countries. . Ing. David Malaník, Ph.D. Head of the Penetration Testing Laboratory of PTLAB FAI TBU, solver of a number of engineering projects and applied research projects related to security research. He has lectured at professional conferences in a number of countries in Europe, Africa and America. Ing. Leo Tvrdoň, Ph.D., ALog. solver of a number of engineering projects of applied logistics, member of the Chamber of Logistics Auditors and vice-president of the Logistics Academy. The outputs of his work are mainly connected with the field of modeling logistics processes using dynamic simulation methods.

Open up new career opportunities.

MBA application

Submitting an application is free of charge. The application deadline for the 2025 year is October, 2025.

