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Professional focus:
Applications of informatics in logistics and transport
Automatic identification
Modeling and simulation of energy networks
GACR 103/06/0847 entitled "Transport services of medium-sized cities: analysis, methodology, applications".
GA 105/09/1366 entitled "Use of virtual reality in simulation and control of production processes".
Visegrad Fund, The National Qualifications Framework NQF in V4 Countries 2013-2014
MŠMT IPN KREDO - IPN for tertiary education, research, development and innovation
Education and professional growth:
1998: Automation and Computers in the Raw Materials Industry (VŠB-TU Ostrava, HGF), (Ing.)
2012: Automation of technological processes (VŠB-TU Ostrava, HGF), (Ph.D.)
2000-2016: District Social Security Administration in Přerov - computer network administrator
2005-2006: University of Logistics Přerov - assistant professor - external cooperation
2006 -2012: University of Logistics Přerov - assistant professor
2013-present: University of Logistics Přerov - Vice-Rector for Applied Research and Project Management
KAVKA, L., KODYM, O., KALUPOVÁ, B. DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016/B53/S22.113, LOGISTICS LABORATORIES IN EDUCATION, Wednesday 7 September 2016 by Libadmin2016, References: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016,, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-67-4 / ISSN 1314-2704, June 28 – July 6, 2016, Book5 Vol. 3, 885-892 pp (Scopus)
O. Kodym, L. Kavka, M. Sedlacek;DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016/B21/S07.048,SIMULATION OF LOGISTIC CHAIN INFORMATION SYSTEM, References: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016,, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-58-2 / ISSN 1314-2704, June 28 – July 6, 2016, Book2 Vol. 1, 375-382 pp
KODYM, O., SEDLACEK, M., KAVKA, L.: Information support for logistic modelling (2016) Proceedings of the 2016 17th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2016, art. no. 7501119, pp. 335-340. SCOPUS
KAVKA, L., KODYM, O., STRAKOS, V.: Logistics laboratory in education (2015) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 3 (5), pp. 965-972. Cited 1 time. SCOPUS, WoS
KODYM, O., KAVKA, L., SEDLÁČEK, M. LOGISTIC CHAIN DATA PROCESSING. 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2015,, SGEM2015 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-34-6 / ISSN 1314-2704, June 18-24, 2015, Book2 Vol. 1, 183-190 pp.
STRAKOŠ, Vladimír, Libor KAVKA a Ivan KOLOMAZNÍK. Logistika a modelování potrubní dopravy. Přerov: Vysoká škola logistiky o.p.s., 2012. ISBN 978-80-87179-28-4.
KAVKA, Libor. Analysis and control of heat distribution supply chain using threedimensional virtual scene. In: 2012 13th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC). High Tatras, Podbanské, 2012, s. 5. ISBN 978-1-4577-1866-3. (databáze SCOPUS)